Welcome to givNET – a space, just for Funders!

GNZ manages information for over a $billion worth of funding.

Your information contributes to the huge collection we hold about funding.

We add value to your information by making it searchable, based on a range of coding criteria.

Fund seekers can search for funds relevant to their region and needs.

Good funding information = Good funding applications

Edit Your Funds allows you to edit/add/delete your scheme/s anytime you choose.

Feature’s coming soon!

  • Find applicants:

    • match with applicant profile’s that match with your funding criteria’s OR

    • find applicant’s you may want to fund that does not match

  • Promote your funds

  • Dashboards of funding information

  • Alerts and much more!

Existing Funder

Don’t have a login or forgotten your details?
Email us at info@generosity.org.nz.